Julian Kilker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Emerging Technologies

  My research focuses on society and information technologies, particularly in relation to media systems. My recent work has explored visual media and the public understanding of technology, hence the images below.

Julian Kilker at conference.
At Media Convergence conference. Photo: Dana Cretu.


Contact info


Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5007, USA
julian.kilker at unlv.edu


Student hours

Available online. Email me to set up meeting! 



Our graduate program provides personalized guidance as you pursue advanced coursework relevant to your professional goals.  For more information, I invite you to talk with the current Graduate Program Coordinator Dr. Benjamin Burroughs.


Courses taught

them via WebCampus

HON 410 Who's Watching? Media, privacy, and surveillance
HON 410 The secret lives of technology
JOUR 420 Visual literacy (in a digital age)

JOUR 435

Research methods

JOUR 450

Media, innovations, and society

JMS 635/715 Grad quantitative research methods
JMS 650/715 Sci, tech, health communication

Honors students examine classic game technology design, Pinball Hall of Fame
Honors students examine game technology design during fieldtrip, Pinball Hall of Fame



See a visual summary of my recent work.

Most of my work explores two main areas:

Lifecycle stages of Digital Media Technologies. I'm interested in identifying and analysing key stages of media technologies, specifically development, marketing, modification, and obsolescence. Sample work in this area includes: Networking identity: A case study examining social identity in communication technology development (1999); Shaping convergence media (2003, top paper in ComTech Debut category); the collaborative “Swarm” research of the Consumer Electronics Show (2006); Breaking free: The shaping and resisting of mobility (2007); Digital dirt and the entropic artifact (2009); Deadly and Barren, or Beautiful and Fragile? Exploring the Nighttime Mojave Desert (2012); Annie and the Shaman: Exploring Data via Provocative Artifacts (2016), as well as multiple solo and group visual exhibits.

Public Understanding and Technology Literacy. This research examines social and ethical aspects of mundane and advanced technologies, as well as assessing technological risks in general. Sample work in this area: Dimensions of communication privacy and international computer network design (1995), the co-authored article Examining counter-institutional websites as locations for organizational member voice, dissent, and resistance (2006, winner of the journal's "article of the year" award); Risk education: Teaching (and learning) about technology and uncertainty in society (2007); Visualizing What Happened Near Vegas: Experiences in Photographing a Public History Project (2014); and All About Whom? Stock Photos, Interactive Narratives and How News About Governmental Surveillance Is Visualized (2016).


Battered sign on road frequently used for SUV commercial shoots, Valley of Fire
Worn desert sign, Valley of Fire